Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) was founded on the principle of being consumer led. We know that whenever people are consulted and engaged meaningfully, outcomes improve significantly. In line with this, we support First Peoples having a considered and permanent voice on decisions that affect them.
There is no greater need for this than in the area of health. Data shows First Peoples have poorer breast cancer survival rates, and significantly worse health outcomes in general when compared to non-indigenous Australians. Closing the gap on these disparities must be a priority across all policy, program, research, and service development.
BCNA therefore supports the recommendation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart to establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament and the Government and enshrine this in Australia’s constitution.
BCNA uses the term First Peoples to refer to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This term is used on the recommendation of our First Peoples Advisory Group, established in 2018.
BCNA recognises the differences that occur between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ culture, including, but not limited to, language, customs, ceremonies, and traditions.
More information can be found here: