Living Well, Your Way is Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA) theme for Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month provides the opportunity for us to draw attention to the ongoing impact of breast cancer on those diagnosed and their supporters.
In our 25th year, BCNA continues to connect you with the information, resources, and support you need whether you are someone diagnosed, a family member, support person, or a health professional providing care.
A diagnosis of breast cancer looks different for everyone, and there is no one way to ‘live well’ during or following a diagnosis of breast cancer.
Breast cancer affects people long after active treatment has finished. For some people, including those living with metastatic breast cancer, treatment never finishes. There are often long-term impacts of a breast cancer diagnosis. These impacts could be physical, psychosocial, or financial. It is likely that you will require different types of support at different times after your initial diagnosis of breast cancer.
Living well, your way aligns to the third year of BCNA’s Policy and Advocacy Strategy, you can read more about how we use this strategy to advocate on behalf of our network here.
Throughout Breast Cancer Awareness Month, keep an eye on our website or social media as we share resources and stories that can support you or someone you care for to live well.
Based on the experience of the BCNA network of Australians affected by breast cancer, we have developed resources to help you feel informed, connected and supported.